Beck Places a Barack Obama Figurine in a Jar of Fake Urine

figurine in a jar

A while back, conservative talk show host Glenn Beck did the unthinkable and placed a Barack Obama figurine inside a bottle of fake urine. He also said that it was the best thing he ever did. As for the jar, Beck plans to sell it on his website for a hefty sum of twenty-five grand. As for the actual jar, he transferred it to a more secure container.

Among other things, Beck omitted a slew of trivials involving his famously liberal policies on immigration, the arts and foreign affairs. In addition to the aforementioned faux pas, Beck made the obligatory gaffes, such as trying to paint a thong on a Rubens painting and trying to claim credit for a painting that actually existed. In the end, it was Beck’s misguided ego that was bruised. He was also in hot water with his audience, who were less than impressed with Beck’s latest outburst. He did, however, show a bit of class in the face of ridicule.

In fact, a recent survey of his fans revealed that the most memorable moment of his career was not his most recent gaffe, but his infamous penchant for using sexy women as punch lines. Fortunately, this particular incident was short-lived, as Beck did eventually admit that the jar he emptied was in fact, beer. Hopefully, his latest and greatest incarnation of the Beck empire won’t suffer the same fate.