Figurines of Horses and Other Types of Animals

The horse is a beloved animal for many people, but it’s important to remember that the horses in your stories need to have their own personalities too. Horses that seem like automatons, where your characters simply get on and ride somewhere without a hitch, won’t feel quite right. Give your equine protagonists a few foibles to make them more interesting to read about and to help add realism to your story.

For example, a horse with a “stubby neck” might be a character who is stubborn or stubbornly independent, and a “bright eyed” or “funny footed” horse might be prone to a bit of mischief or a tendency to flinch when it shouldn’t. Or a “wild, uncontrollable” horse might have an unpredictable temperament and decide to charge straight into the mouth of a dragon without asking for its rider’s permission.

This is a great way to add tension to your story and make it more realistic for the reader to imagine. It also makes it more likely that your horse will survive the dangers of the situation, and be there for your protagonist in the end, even if they’ve had to suffer a few scars along the way.

It’s also helpful to remember that horses have been with humans since prehistoric times, and that they have played an important role in both human culture and in the development of many other types of animals. For example, the use of horses in mounded tombs in the Altai Mountains that belong to a group of pastoral peoples called the Pazyryk culture provides evidence that these mystical creatures were real to the people who lived and died in them.

In fact, the presence of both horse remains and small wooden images of horses accompanied by riders in these burials shows that they were essential to this-worldly life for both the warrior/herders and their base economy as pack animals for food. The anthropological research of Esther Jacobson on the depiction of stag/horse imagery suggests that such figures bestowed protection by implying raw, animal power.

Figurines of horses and other types of animals are a common sight in museums and art galleries, as well as in homes around the world. They can be very valuable for children, as they are a good way to learn about these majestic creatures, and can inspire them to write about them in their own work. They can also be a wonderful gift for those who love these animals.