The Figurine Nativity

A figurine nativity is an arrangement of figurines that represents the biblical story of the birth of Jesus. These figurines can be made of a variety of materials, such as porcelain, clay, or wood, and are often displayed in a stable or manger. Many nativity sets feature the Virgin Mary and Joseph, Baby Jesus, Three Wise Men, angels, as well as various farm animals such as sheep, goats, and donkeys. Some are very small, while others may be large and highly detailed.

A nativity scene is one of the most significant Christian traditions. It commemorates the Virgin Mary’s delivery of Christ, who was born in a manger in Bethlehem. The Nativity is narrated tersely in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but it has become one of Christianity’s most important events, so much so that artists have created many masterpieces devoted to the subject. Some of these are also deemed to be some of the most influential works of art of all time, such as Duccio’s Nativity with Saints Isaiah and Ezekiel (1308/1311) or Domenico Ghirlandaio’s Nativity in the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore (1508).

The figurine nativity is a traditional piece for the Christmas season. It is an excellent way to teach children the story of Jesus’s birth, and it can be a great way for families to celebrate the holiday together. It is also a popular collectible item, and you can find nativity sets in a variety of sizes and styles.

Traditionally, the nativity features the Virgin Mary and Joseph with the infant Jesus in their arms or on their laps. Usually, Mary is shown with a lily in her hand or near her head; this symbolizes the purity of Mary. Joseph is frequently depicted as being an older man to emphasize his role as protector of the Virgin Mary and his chastity. Occasionally, he is shown with a staff or a dove that blossoms; this may be because of the legend that a dove landed on Joseph’s staff at the Annunciation.

In early nativity scenes, the ox and ass were commonly included, although these are not mentioned in either of the Gospel accounts of the Nativity. Historically, the ox and ass were associated with paganism and Judaism, which are two of the religions represented by their respective followers. The ox and ass are also used to convey the idea that Jesus is the incarnation of God, which is why they appear in Nativity art from the very beginning.

In addition to a traditional Nativity set, there are other types of figurine nativity that may be displayed, such as a living nativity or a tableau vivant, in which real people and animals are used. In the latter, shepherds may visit the nativity and kneel in adoration, which is not in the Gospel accounts. You can even find a nativity set in space, which is an example of a more contemporary representation of the Nativity scene.